The two latest PURE South Animation Film School films are screening this evening at 1830, at Rua Red in Tallaght. This year we have a Noir-style detective story, and a Rap-fueled tale of redemption:
The students wrote, designed, recorded dialogue, and animated their films over two week-long workshop events in February.
These workshops were facilitated by Eimhin McNamara, Carol Freeman, Chris McLoughlin, Pádraig Fagan, and Christina O'Donovan, with the assistance of Silvia Nevado, Catríona Reilly, Fiona McDonnell and Marie O'Connell. Featuring original music by Chris McLoughlin and, on MC Tra$h, the rap stylings of Tyrick Tschuma, Daniel Oladeji, David Oladeji and Miracle Olowu.
The films were produced in conjunction with Ian Davis of the PURE Project (Protecting Uplands and Rural Environments), South Dublin County Council, Brookfield Community Facility and Collinstown Park Community College.
They will be available to view on-line after the premiere.
Mason Phelps: Private Eye
A suspicious crime has gone down by the old graveyard, and it's up to Mason Phelps to outmanoeuvre the suspects and get to the bottom of this awful mess...
Created by Danielle Norman, Nicole Smith, Shannon O'Reilly, Karl Wynne, Leah Byrne, Jamie O'Neill, Conor Halpin, Evan Thompson, Leah Menton, Dylan Hillary and Jessica Reddin of Collinstown Park Community College, Dublin.
MC Tra$h: Transformation Revelation
While cooking a nice organic broth, Rita Red Eye the Witch is shaken up by MC Tra$h and his wasteful ways. Now it's time for her to show him how it feels to be dumped on...
Created by Dean Dillon, Richard Roche, Darragh Singleton, Anthony Brennan, Daniel Kulis, Tyrick Tschuma, Daniel Oladeji, David Oladeji, Shane Leech and Miracle Olowu at Brookfield Community Youth Project, Dublin.
The students wrote, designed, recorded dialogue, and animated their films over two week-long workshop events in February.
These workshops were facilitated by Eimhin McNamara, Carol Freeman, Chris McLoughlin, Pádraig Fagan, and Christina O'Donovan, with the assistance of Silvia Nevado, Catríona Reilly, Fiona McDonnell and Marie O'Connell. Featuring original music by Chris McLoughlin and, on MC Tra$h, the rap stylings of Tyrick Tschuma, Daniel Oladeji, David Oladeji and Miracle Olowu.
The films were produced in conjunction with Ian Davis of the PURE Project (Protecting Uplands and Rural Environments), South Dublin County Council, Brookfield Community Facility and Collinstown Park Community College.
They will be available to view on-line after the premiere.